Shapes & Colors Learning Games

This application consists of fun and engaging games for kids, especially toddlers, where they learn about various shapes and colours, while playing. The games are a great mode of education for toddlers, who are entering kindergarten, as kinesthetic learners.

The kid games engage the various senses of the children and also help in their motor and sensory development. The games introduce children to various different shapes and colours, and educate them about their pronunciation, recognition and different properties while also drawing comparison to real-world objects. The application builds a child’s memory, sorting and sequencing ability and also their visual understanding of the world around them. The games in the application consist of shape matching, colour matching, coloring and filling objects, identifying and picking the right shapes and colours and also sorting them in the right sequences. The games consist of innovative and cute characters that help the child navigate the game, while also interacting with the characters.

Young toddlers and kindergartens, are filled with curiosity and their hunger for knowledge leads them to ask more questions that they want to find answers for. Pushing them in the right direction to hone their imagination and curiosity while also teaching them the fundamentals, only enhances their mental and physical growth. This application not only teaches them about shapes and colours, while building their sensory and motor skills, but also builds their social skills as they interact with various characters and environments. The animation and game play in the application engage the child to play more while building their knowledge.

Shapes & Colors Learning Games

Shapes & Colors Learning Games